Anti-Harassment Policy
Falmouth Theatre Guild prohibits bullying, sexual harassment, and all forms of discriminatory harassment. The Guild expects every member to always treat all other participants, board members, and patrons with respect. Harassment of any type will not be tolerated.
Sexual Harassment is a form of illegal sexual discrimination that includes unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition encompasses many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser.
Falmouth Theatre Guild is a family-friendly organization that is open to all in the community. Respectful and kind treatment of everyone involved is a requirement to participate all Guild activities.
Bullying, sexual harassment, disrespectful behavior or similar issues should be reported immediately to the production’s director or producer. The complainant can also contact a member of the board to report abusive behavior.
Show directors, producers, or board members who have been told of abuse shall report the complaint to the Guild president and/or vice president without delay to ensure that the matter is dealt with appropriately. Repercussions for violating this policy may include the removal of a performer or backstage hand from a production, and/or revocation of membership to the Guild.
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